Travel CRM failure: Selection & execution blunders

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There’s a lot of ‘To-Do’ write-ups to help you out with buying a travel crm. It’s equally important for you to know the ‘Must Not Dos’! Which is why we’re sharing the bloopers you should avoid when selecting and executing a travel crm.

booklet travel crm failure selection and execution blunders


1. A crm vendor who has taken you for a ride:
You’ll soon be in a soup if you see that the crm vendor has: – Over promises and under delivers
– Has a bad market & client feedback
– Fails to adhere to delivery and promised services

In such cases, the wise way is the other way!

2. The crm isn’t acutely simple:
When the first demo of the software provided is
– Far from perfection
– Infested with bugs
– Isn’t scalable according to your enterprise size
– Way too complicated
– Frequently crashes and lags
Simplest way to deal with this is “immediately cancel your boarding pass”!

3. Your crm estranged sales team:
If your sales team can’t use the travel crm because it:
– Didn’t involve your sales team’s requirements in the crm purchase process
– Is beyond their understanding
– Your sales team wasn’t adequately trained for using the travel crm
The only corrective step is to intensively train your sales team.

4. The fussy crm installation:
If the crm doesn’t integrate with the ERP, accounting or additional softwares you need it to work with your crm purchase for your travel business will be a futile expense and wasted operation.

5. Not so smooth functioning:
The crm isn’t a tour vehicle that’d need a starter spark, it must boot efficiently. So if there’s any such glitch in the crm software, your ship has already sailed for a drown.

6. Lousy software support:

When there’s trouble in “crm paradise” and your sales team members need to frantically struggle with getting support you’re wasting a lot of resources.
The only suggestion here would be to ensure the crm vendor has a reputation of providing good after sales services & support.


We have a variety of 4 crm softwares, you can try the demo or contact us.

Get more revealed about a Travel CRM here!

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